Physical Computing Project 1

Initial Idea

My initial idea is to create an interactive installation that talks about the ever-shifting nature of a person's goal. Some know exactly what they want to do in life, and others take years to find it. However, nothing happens without motion.

Using an ultrasonic sensor, servo motors, LEDs and Neopixels, the installation will create random compositions of colors and positions whenever the installation detects a person's movements. After many attempts and consideration, the person can stop to enjoy and keep the goal they created.

This installation will be displayed in a dark room to represent real-life where you don't know where you are going and signify that all you can do, is follow your goal.


  • Ultrasonic Sensor or PIR Sensor

  • Servo Motors

  • LEDs and Neopixels



  • Any other ways to reinterpret person’s movement?

  • How big should the frame/installation be?

  • Using servo motors, how do I create random-like compositions?

  • What is the best way to hide or place the ultrasonic sensor?

Brainstorm Notes

Testing Components



PIR Sensors with random color transition code

Power Source


Testing Code

(Realized while creating linear motors that this code was incorrect)

Cut and Tinned Wires


Initial Fabrication

Experimenting with Dichroic Film and Acrylic


Putting it Together


Different Moments of the Project



The initial fabrication was indeed very fun to interact with. However, while I liked how the lights turned out, I was not satisfied with the materials and its composition. It’s small scale also added to a toy-like feel rather than an artwork.

Moving forward, I want to create a more cohesive product that experiments with movement. To do this, I am planning on creating linear motors with 3D printed parts and combining them with the servo motors. I am also looking into increasing it’s scale. Lastly, I am brainstorming ways to make the interactions between the installation and user more complex.

Another epiphany I had was why contain the project in a screen-like space? I am now thinking of how this can be a space installation.

3D Printed Linear Motors

Created linear motors with parts from thingiverse.
