Stop Motion

As this is my first time attempting to create stop motion, I wanted to start off by giving life to the inanimate objects I see daily. I chose my pencil case for the first video and a ripped up receipt for the other. For the receipt video, I wanted to give an otherwise useless paper a second meaning by forming shapes with it.

Paper Heart.gif

I created these stop motions with my Sony a5100. As this is not an advanced camera, while I set the mode to Manual, it still had autofocus on and I wasn’t sure how to turn it off. This created some unwanted flickering of colors between each screen. Also, my tripod was not as good and kept falling over. For my next attempts at stop motion, I will need to prepare a better camera and a sturdier tripod.

While observing my peer’s stop motion videos, I noticed a few brought their animated object out of the frame so that they can hold on to it and create motion not possible without support. For example, an object will be held out of screen to look as if it were jumping. I attempted this technique when I tried to animate my pencil case falling over by holding on to the sides.

For future implementations, I want to create a detailed storyboard and focus more on motion to create an engaging piece. I attempted to create motion by using less frames for faster actions but it is not very apparent.